Wednesday 30 June 2010

Here We Go

Well, this is my 1st attempt at a blog. It does have a secondary purpose I hope. I am trying to kick start my creative juices as I have not really created anything for a couple of years. (Due to health issues and major disruptions at home).

But very soon I should have my craft room back. So no more excuses (and i am very good at excuses).

My 1st challenge is to redesign the room. I will have a blank canvas so that has already caused problems. But I have an idea. if it comes together I'll post piccies. if not, well I wont!

So, about me.

I am a 40 something professional woman with a love of embroidery. Creative machine embroidery to be precise but I will try pretty much anything - no good at painting!

Most of the stuff I have made over the years has hubby looking confused and asking "what is it?" but i am used to that.

I am about to start on a series of shopping bags - well, it is the easy way back into it. I have a plethora of UFOs in the cupboard (un finished objects) and more materials than most shops so it is time I did something.

I am very fortunate to have a large double bedroom at my disposal - the family is under instruction not to enter unless carrying a mug of tea!

So here goes, see you soon!

Lelly xx